Monday, November 20, 2006

How the internet is bringing people to the center stage

In a previous entry I spoke about Amanda Congdon, I heard (on Radio 1) that the BBC is also now recruiting an "unknown" lady over her impressive performances on youtube for reviewing gadgets. See also, the example set by the now famous Lonelygirl15, the mixture of reality "fiction", amateur and behind the scenes lies have launched every member to almost stardom!

It is not only for good use, as anything, in the wrong hands can also help jihads and gangs find recruits.

This is a serious shift in the process of recruitment, easier to reach the target audience, easier to find samples of actual work. Maybe there is a market for "skills search" - more than your traditional monster, jobserve, yahoo, google ... maybe "" crawls the sites and find relevant information about who is posting and what type of material, categorizes and publishes for recruiters to access, let's see if someone implements it as an idea.

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